Sunday, 28 June 2015


Wait, what is this?  The tumbleweed has finally disappeared from The World of Beth! It's been a little while, yes maybe more than a little while *hangs head in shame* but I have returned! A lot has happened in the teeny-tiny time space I have been away, 3 months isn't that long reaaaaally, including the details of:
  1. I have finished university, forever
  2. I have to be a grown up
  3. I have the keys to my (our) very own apartment in York
  4. And none of the above statements have actually sunk in yet.
That sums up my life pretty well I think, or at least the waves of thoughts circling around my brain. Technically, no longer am I stuck spending hours staring at a computer screen, longing to be a part of the real world again instead of drowning in assignments. I do still spend hours watching Netflix, currently working my way through Once Upon a Timewhich I'd recommend to any fairy tale lover out there. But that doesn't count really. It's more a distraction that I will no longer be returning to Southampton to live with my BFF's, sniff, as in the words of Monica: "Now I have to live with a boyyyyyyy". 
But if Monica can do it, I can do it. There is already a cupboard full of cleaning products under the sink. However I always imagined myself to be more of a Rachel person. I knew there was a reason I didn't want to be a grown up. Not only can I no longer take advantage of student discount, lounge around in my pj's all day or eat pizza for breakfast, but accept that I am Monica rather than Rachel.
I think it's time for me to go and think this new realization over, and do boring things like add to my financial excel spreadsheet, adulthood is really living up to it's name right now. I promise not to be a stranger no more as this ship has now anchored and I hope you're all still happy to board the decks.
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