Wednesday 8 June 2016

Wisteria Wanderings

 Whenever I was little our Sundays would normally always include a trip to The Lodge, whether it was to try out our new roller-blades, take our bikes for spin or go on a bear hunt, metaphorically of course. This was then nearly always followed by a trip to a garden centre for a slice of cake and cup of tea, which is something that I've ingrained in my weekend outings. What a nice story aye, stick with it, I'm getting there. 

When you're younger you don't really appreciate those places that are just up the road from you, but as you grow up and move away it makes you appreciate what you had. So, whenever we go home for a visit we always try to squeeze in a walk round The Lodge,  a) for the nostalgic element, and b) it can then be accompanied with tea and cake. 

My recent trip home left my admiring all the wisteria that had blossomed in our garden, and when mum informed me that it was out in full bloom at my childhood happy place I had to go. It wasn't the most sunniest or warmest of days, but that didn't matter when your faced with purple paradise in the form of wisteria. Literally everywhere I turned there was some lilac creeping into my vision and don't get me started on the smell. When it comes to wisteria, my home-town has got it right. Home- 1 York- 0 


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