The Good
Once Upon a Time and Daredevil returned to Netflix- what a month for TV series. Admittedly I'm a week behind Once Upon a Time, but that just means I get to watch two episodes back to back #winner
The Bad
My converse have come to the end of their life and it's a very sad time. They've been with me for years now and the idea of having to chuck them out, replace them and wear new ones in is killing me slightly.
The Ugly
I organised an Easter egg hunt at work, and lets just say things got a little hairy. Some people take competition pretty damn seriously. I probably should have realised that from the Office Olympics I organised the week before in aid of Sports Relief- yes I'm stepping up my internal social organisation game.
The Weird
That time it snowed enough to build a snowman at the start of the month. When you leave York with no snow and arrive in Leeds with a good few inches of snow it throws you off a little bit. Especially when you wear dolly shoes and have a 12 minute walk to get to work.
The Wonderful
That wonderful long weekend where I got up too all sorts of fun activities with families and friends. It also meant we scored to short weeks at work, which is heaven to all us monday-fridayers.